
Oct 18, 20191 min

That Connection!

Updated: Aug 26, 2020

Having so many questions but why we have so many questions? We question the time. We question the feelings. You see someone for the first time and you connected with that person like you have met that person your whole life.

Feeling so comfortable and being able to be yourself. Not being afraid to really being affectionate. You don’t care about the time, you don’t care about the people around you. You just care about you and him and that moment.

The feeling of love, the feeling of happiness, the touch, the kiss and you don’t want the night to end because it feels so special just to be around you. You feel like a little girl that just met her first love in high school and then I get shy but I’m not really a shy person and Feeling the impossible could be possible and you don’t want that moment to end.

Having the connection that you just can communicate with your minds and when you look into my eyes you already know.

The blushing in my cheeks I can’t hide it anymore and I can’t stop smiling because you already know how I feel.

Who are you and why do you make me feel this way? Thinking about you most of the time but you don’t even know how I feel. You don’t even know that every moment that I spend with you for me is everything. Having that connection with you I didn’t really want it to end. I wanted it to last for a lifetime.

Written by: Yissendy Trinidad
